A, B, C, and an award for me!

On Yahoo’s Carriage House Samplings group, there is a VERY informal SAL going on for CHS’ Alphabet Blocks.  I decided I would stitch each letter as a pillow ornament.  Thinking in a very biscornu fashion, I thought about what I’d stitch for the back of each cushion.  I mentioned this onlist, and someone sensibly asked me why I decided to stitch the backs instead of using fabric.  You know, like a normal person.  *head desk*  Oh, b/c it never ocurred to me.  I don’t think I mentioned my lapse on the list, I think I smoothly covered with the idea that maybe I’d do some with stitching and some with fabric, I don’t know.  I confess the truth to you now, though.  Sometimes my brain plays tricks on me, and I fall for them!!  Gullible, much? 😉

See, my big plan was to be random with the fronts and backs.  Stitch each front and 26 backs.  Put each in a separate bag, and pull them out to be stitched together, without planning a match for front A beforehand.  I had a devil of a time completing the third back, though, and I’m not sure how far this over-the-top plan will go.  Here is my current progress:

CHS alphabet blocks A, B and C

The real reason I got off my lazy unmotivated butt and put this image together for a post is because Monique nominated me for the Kreativ Blogger Award!  Thank you, Monique!

Here are the rules of the award:
1. The winner may put the logo on her blog.
2. Put a link to the person you got the award from.
3. Nominate 5 blogs.
4. Put links to the blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees.

It’s hard to make choices.  I look forward to reading many blogs. 

1. Wendy
2. Renee 
3. Jackie
4. Carla
5. Kim

And a bonus:
6. Stitch Pink

Happy Stitching, all!

5 thoughts on “A, B, C, and an award for me!

  1. Congrats on your award T! I like the bonus one you added 😉

    I think stitching backs for them is brilliant! I’m just not sure if I could come up with that many. LOL!

  2. You’re making lovely progress on your CHS piece, and I REALLY like what you’ve done with it, too! It is very “Kreative” – pun intended (congrats on the nomination!) =D


  3. Hi Terri.

    Wow, thank you so much for the award, I was amazed to see my name on here today! 🙂 Did you email me about it cos, if so, I didn’t get your email…… Now I just have to work out how to put the logo on my blog! LOL

    Your alphabet pieces are just lovely and I love the backs that you are doing. How will you display them?

    Catch up with you soon!

    love Jackie x

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