
Liberty Pincushion

I’ve been busy, not stitching exactly, but busy with stitchy doin’s.  I’ve hit a motivational wall.  I haven’t stitched in three days!  Someone take my temperature!  I did manage to finish my Liberty Pincushion recently.  {yay, me}

Liberty Pincushion in star 08.10

I love how this picture highlights the messy part. </sarcasm> I don’t think the messy bit is horrible, in a noticeable way, it’s just the first thing I see when I look at the photo. 

I’m very pleased with this.  I even had a, um, helper.

Lucy 08.10

OK. Maybe not so much.

Happy Stitching! 🙂

Happy Flag Day

I was hit by the must-stitch-NOW bug this weekend.

Liberty Pincushion

What I need now is to catch the must-finish-NOW bug. 

Liberty Pincushion by The Stitching Parlor, designed by Clara L Blaylock
Stitched on 28-ct gingham linen using suggest Crescent Colours fibers.  Substituted CC Toasted Marshmallow for eagle’s stripes and stars.

Happy Flag Day, and happy stitching. 🙂