
Happy Flag Day

I’ve stitched a couple of flag-related smells recently.


This is part of the Glory House kit by Chessie & Me. I didn’t stitch the lawn. While I was finishing this, I thought it was a great size for a needlebook. Still love this the way it is.

imageThis is Tiny Flag kit  by  Shepherd’s Bush. It’s so cute. I set up a small patriotic display for Flag Day/summer.


Happy stitching!

Pi, er, Squared

Happy Pi Day! I stitched a little pincushion for the occasion. At 9:26:53, it will be/was an auspicious Pi Day, indeed, if you write your dates in the American fashion. It will be 3/14/15, 9:26:53, the first ten digits of pi. Fun! Where’s the confetti?


This is Pi, er, Squared, a freebie by Tor-Rhuann Designs, which you can download here. In case you need your math refreshed, pi x r squared is how you find the area of a circle, with “r” representing the circle’s radius. I call mine Cocoa Bean and Cherry Cobbler, um, “Pi, er, Squared,” because those were the names of the Classic Colorworks floss I used. Yes, their names did influence my choices. I enjoyed stitching this so much. Also, Sir Cumference has asked me to remind you that you can determine the circumference of a circle by getting “pied,” that is, multiplying the diameter times pi.

Here’s the bottom, with some Cocoa Bean pis.


I’m going into pun timeout now.

Pi, er, Squared by Tor-Rhuann Designs.
Stitched 2 over 2 on 28-ct. linen (a light yellow shade closely resembling DMC 746)
Threads used: Classic Colorworks Cocoa Bean and Cherry Cobbler.

I hope you have a wonderful Pi Day. Happy Stitching! 🙂


How Does Your Garden Grow?

I have a brown thumb, so I grow mine one stitch at a time. 😀 Here are the pieces awaiting assembly. At a quick glance, you can see the pink pieces appear to have seam allowances that are too small. If any parts are going to end up in difficulty, these are the pieces you’d predict. You’ll soon see that wasn’t the case.

425 wip patchwork garden 08 04 13 top diamonds  425 wip patchwork garden 08 04 13 middle diamonds  425 wip patchwork garden 08 04 13 bottom diamonds

Assembly in progress~~

425 how does your garden grow collage

The top and bottom pieces stitched together…

425 wip patchwork garden 08 06 13 chain chomp

At this stage of assembly, the boy and I agreed it looked like a Chain Chomp from Super Mario World. You might also be able to see that in addition to interface, I lined each piece with quilt batting. I had two reasons for this. First, I came across the idea on this blog while looking for photos of other stitchers’ completed balls. That post’s pictures didn’t load for me, ironically. I was intrigued by the recommendation to use batting. I’ve never had the experience with lumpy fiberfill she mentioned, but that seemed a good reason to try it. My second reason for using the batting is that I love this project so much, I wanted to prolong the experience.  Eventually, though, it was finished…

425 patchwork garden complete collage

I love it. There are a few wonky things “wrong” with it. But I love this piece so completely, I don’t even care. That’s so uncharacteristic of me. Here’s the wonkiest part~~

425 patchwork garden complete 08 06 13 top shreddy

I’m not sure how/why that happened. That’s the white fabric, which puzzlingly, had the largest seam allowances of all of the linen colors. It’s DMC brand. It had the loosest weave and was the stiffest fabric I used. The stiffness was nice for finger pressing, but something went wrong with the stuffing. I chalk it up to the loose weave. I would ordinarily flip out over this. But Fray Check is my friend, the ball is safe and I am wabi-sabi about the whole thing. As I said, uncharacteristic. Love is blind. 😉

425 patchwork garden complete 08 06 13 heart

Happy Stitching! 🙂

Forgot to post

There are a few things I forgot to post. First, my TUSAL shot–

Next up is my latest WIP. When I started this, I expected it to take less time than it has, not only because I always underestimate how long a project will take, but also because I was working on another project that took me much longer than it should have taken. I’ll post about that project soon.

This is Jacks are Wild by Waxing Moon Designs. The lightning bolts are stitched with glow-in-the-dark DMC thread. I’m going to frog the yellow swirl. I will replace it with DMC’s new memory thread or their flourescent thread. I haven’t decided yet. I’m stitching this because the husband and the boy are both named Jack. I’ve decided to have fun with the project because it’s a funny image, and it will make it more fun–and wild. 😉

And last, something that’s been finished since August, I believe.

Elizabethan Stitching Accessories by Tristan Brooks Designs. The original plan was to make a mattress cushion, but apparently, I can’t count. I pouted for a while before assembling them. The pincushion is stuffed with lavender. Mmm…

Happy Stitching! 🙂